I have always been interested in history and one of my hobbies is genealogy.  I enjoy researching how my family roots fit into the history of our country.
Today we remember D-Day, the Allied troops’ invasion of the beaches of Normandy, France to defeat the German Nazis. More than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were wounded or killed that day and my Grand-Uncle Dave was one of the wounded.
The Nebraska State Journal
This interview with Uncle Dave was published in the Lincoln Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska) on July 15, 1944.
This interview was published in the Morning-World Herald (Omaha, Nebraska) on March 5, 1945.
Albert and Dave
Uncle Dave was my Grandpa’s little brother. Grandpa is on the left and Uncle Dave on the right.
This photo was taken in 1962.
After the war, he became a pastor. I remember him as a sweet, gentle man, and I remember he always shook hands with his left hand because he had lost a lot of function in his right arm due his wounds on D-Day.
I am so thankful to Uncle Dave for being willing to fight for our freedoms. Because of him and those like him, I am free to share my heart for home!
(This post was originally published on June 6, 2014 on my blog: myheart4home.com)
D-Day Remembered
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